Friday, December 22, 2017

West Bank map

West Bank map


  1. The Judaean Mountains are the Israeli administered Judaea and Samaria Territories in The Jordan River West Bank. The Jordan 🇯🇴 River East Bank PalestineArab state is The Arab League State of Jordan 🇯🇴.

  2. The Arabian Peninsula lands, are The Arabian homelands. The PeninsularArab homelands are the origin of Arabian peoples. Arabism's empire has occupied The Judaean Mountains for so long that some of The Arabist empire's peoples, think that PalestineArab identity is native. The Arabian Peninsula is not The Judaean Mountains. The Judaean Mountains are not the Arabian Peninsula.

  3. There is a reason for your map, having Judaean Mountains, in The Central Mountains of The Land of Israel. That is because, Judaean Mountains are The Central Mountains of The Nation of Israel.

  4. Everytime I come across this map, I am amused by page and it's combined terminology. It puts the term, Palestine over The Judaean Mountains
    It is simply , My.Zion, Judaean Central Mountains of The Territories of Judaea-Samaria.
